Allāhumma innī aʿūdhu bika min-l-hammi wa-l-ḥazan, wa aʿūdhu bika min-l-ʿajzi wa-l-kasal, wa aʿūdhu bika min-l-jubni wa-l-bukhl, wa aʿūdhu bika min ghalabati-d-dayni wa qahri-r-rijāl.
O Allah, I seek Your protection from anxiety and grief. I seek Your protection from inability and laziness. I seek Your protection from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek Your protection from being overcome by debt and being overpowered by men.
Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrated that one day, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ entered the masjid. He saw a man from the Anṣār called Abū Umāmah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu). He ﷺ asked, “What is the matter? Why are you sitting in the mosque when it is not the time for prayer?” He replied, “Never-ending worries and debts, O Messenger of Allah.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then asked, “Shall I not teach you words by which, when you say them, Allah will remove your worries, and settle your debts?” He replied, “Yes of course, O Messenger of Allah.” He ﷺ said, “Say in the morning and evening [the above].” Abū Umāmah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) said, “Then I did that, and Allah removed my worries and settled my debts.” (Abū Dāwūd 1555)
Allāhumma innī aʿūdhu bika mina-l-bukhl, wa aʿūdhu bika mina-l-jubn, wa aʿūdhu bika an uradda ilā ardhali-l-ʿumur, wa aʿūdhu bika min fitnati-d-dunyā, wa aʿūdhu bika min ʿadhābi-l-qabr.
O Allah, I seek Your protection from miserliness and I seek Your protection from cowardice. I seek Your protection from being returned to the worst part of life (old age), I seek Your protection from the trials of the world, and I seek Your protection from the punishment of the grave.
Saʿd b. Abī Waqqās (radiy Allāhū ‘anhu) would instruct (to seek refuge) about five things [the above] and he would narrate it from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ . (Bukhārī 6370)
O The Ever Living, The Sustainer of all. ; I seek assistance through Your mercy. Rectify all of my affairs and do not entrust me to myself for the blink of an eye.
Anas b. Mālik (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrates that the Prophet ﷺ said to Fāṭimah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhā), “What is preventing you from (doing) what I am advising you; that you say [the above] in the morning and evening?” (Nasā’ī in ʿAmal al-Yawm wa-l-Laylah 570)
O Allah, grant me well-being in my body. O Allah, grant me well-being in my hearing. O Allah, grant me well-being in my sight. There is no god worthy of worship except You. O Allah, I seek Your protection from disbelief and poverty and I seek Your protection from the punishment of the grave. There is no god worthy of worship except You.
‘Abd al-Raḥmān b. Abī Bakrah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrates that he said to his father, “O my father! I hear you supplicating with [the above] every morning. You repeat them three times in the morning and three times in the evening.” He said, “Indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ supplicating with these (words) and I love to follow his practice.” (Abū Dāwūd 5090, Aḥmad 20430)